When I saw my job disappear to India at the age of 60, with Corona as a catalyst, I was not happy for a while.
During my 37-year career in IT, I have worked for a dozen different companies. But for the last 15 years I had been fully committed at a well-run multinational, so I hoped to retire properly with this company. Not so.
A new turning point in my life was unexpectedly thrown into my lap.
After a few weeks, I still had trouble sleeping, but I’m starting to see some bright spots. Fear was the biggest emotion, fear of everything really: financial debacle, loss of standard of living, looking for a new job. And let fear be the worst counsellor now.
I noticed that many months before I had put the following text in my Chatbox “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings”. What a coincidence, isn’t it. Continuing my life as before was not an option, I wanted to get out of the rat race and out of IT.
Maybe doing something I like to do? Gardening, Tai Chi, teaching, landscape filming and editing with drone….
And slowly the idea came to give Online Tai Chi training with an emphasis on improving health and more happiness in life.
How do you decide such a thing? With me it was simple: every morning half asleep, half out of my bed consciously bring my thoughts to this online idea and then feel how I feel at that moment.
The answer was very clear every morning: I got more and more ideas on how to go about this. It was so bad that I put a notebook by my bedside to write down the ideas, even at night.
My body clearly showed me which direction I should go.
It will still cost me a lot of work (training website, marketing, content, etc) and sometimes things go wrong, as in the following video. Fortunately, these mishaps reinforce my belief that I will succeed.
Thanks a bunch! It is definitely an superb web page!