3 ways how YOU can find Relaxation.
Discover how easy it is to Relax and get More Energy at the same time.
1. Instant Access
Register for one free training and get FULL instant access to the online learning platform.
2. Anytime, Anywhere
The system is 24/7 available and automatically adapts to your device of choice.
3. Proven Method
Finally, science shows their interest in relaxation techniques and confirms the positive results of Mindfulness, meditation and Tai Chi.
We live in a completely different world that we did not see coming for almost two years now. So, it makes sense that we weren't prepared for it either. Our daily rhythm is completely turned upside down. Working from home is now becoming the standard. This creates extra pressure and stress for everyone both at work and at home.
The phrase "How To Relax At Work" is now a top ten search term at Google. I often get the question “Why is Relaxation so Difficult?” and "What are good relaxation techniques?".
My name is Dirk Cassiers, and I have been working for more than 37 years in large multinationals as a consultant (PwC) and later as IT Business Partner at Philips.
I have experienced like no other what such enormous pressure does to your body. I have seen many colleagues succumb to the stress, and the number has only increased in recent years.
I was lucky enough to be introduced to Tai Chi very early before it was too late. I felt my body change thoroughly after every class. I didn't know the mechanisms behind this sport at the time, but the relaxation and joy I experienced just left me wanting more.
Many years later, I started teaching Tai Chi, especially the Short Yang Form of Tai Chi within the school of Patrick Kelly, following Master Huang Sheng Shyan and Master Cheng Man Ch'ing.
Many top-level managers understand the importance of managing the stress levels at work and home - but there's a huge problem...
Many top-level managers believe that learning martial arts is outside their comfort zone and is not feasible for people who have a sedentary jobs. How can I manage my time with relaxation?
Time is the most precious asset for top managers and so it must be handled very carefully. They cannot afford to lose this precious time. How to Relieve Stress quickly?
Most managers think that you have to believe in it and be open to it. If not, it will never work. How to relax your mind and body from anxiety?
I want to show you that there's an easier way.
a new online Training platform:
Energy By Movement.com
There are no 100 ways to Relax. You must not ignore the Science behind Stress and Anxiety. Based on the recent progress of Science in this domain, It's clear that we must focus on the Survival Brain and NOT the Thinking Brain. So stop reading the internet on Stress and Anxiety and start exercising.
Stress arousal is part of the Survival brain, so you can never relax by reading articles or going through some PowerPoints.
I now know from experience that simple movements performed correctly can relax your entire body.
But that's just the beginning.
Stress activation/stress arousal is the internal response that our mind-body system creates whenever we have an experience that the survival brain perceives as threatening or challenging.
The process of perturbing our inner equilibrium and returning to our regulated baseline is called allostasis.
Because of the relaxation, you will feel better about your body. This sensation is necessary to relax even better. And let's happen that relaxed muscles absorb energy from the environment. This way, you enter a positive vicious circle where deeper Relaxation, better Sensitivity and much more Energy reinforce each other.
This is how it works, very concrete and very fast.
I can already hear you thinking: how much time will this not take, or can I handle these kinds of exercises, or do I believe in this?
The answer is straightforward: it takes little time; anyone can start with it and let your own body witness the improvement (read relaxation and more energy and progressive muscle relaxation)
The only side effect is that you will feel much happier.
But we can live with this, can't we?
The slow movements of Tai Chi are many centuries old, are very concrete and can be performed by anyone. The only condition is that these must be performed in a correct way in order to enjoy the healing effect. Performing the Tai Chi form fluently is one of the most creative ways to reduce stress.
I will teach you which exercises you can perform step by step correctly in my lessons. One class (of +- 35 minutes) per week is enough to learn new things.
I ask you to perform one exercise for five minutes at regular times and several times a week. Five minutes is minor than drinking one cup of coffee.
Experience for yourself how easy it is to learn relaxation habits.
You will notice that you quickly have more energy enough to get through the busy day and that the pressure at work becomes more bearable. The tolerance limit will increase enormously, both at work and home.
I recently heard from a student that his partner said that even the dog felt the difference every time he came home after a Tai Chi class 😊.
You do not need a lot of space? 1m2 of space is sufficient. So you can get away from your desk every day and perform the Tai Chi relaxation exercises.
You can register on my training platform for 28€ per month, and you will get instant access to ALL classes. You can cancel at any time. The lessons are structured so that you learn each exercise step by step. This prevents receiving too advanced instructions at the beginning of your journey.
My goal is to get everyone over the line.
You will notice that even with the first simple exercises, you will quickly relax and quickly get a lot of energy. You get the blissful feeling afterwards for free 😊. How to Relax and be Happy at the same time.
You cannot achieve this in one day. It takes an average of 66 days for a new behaviour to become automatic. There's no one-size-fits-all figure, some habits are easier to form than others, and some people may find it easier to develop new behaviours. There's no right or wrong timeline. The only timeline that matters is the one that works best for you.
Let's take advantage of modern technology and maximize the value of a state-of-the-art e-learning Platform. Start and stop your training at your own pace and at your own place. Ideal to relax after work.
If you are not yet convinced, follow our FREE Workshop Stress management (including limited Offer).